is defined as repeatedly elevated blood pressure exceeding 140/90 mmHg i.e.
above 140 Diastolic Pressure and above 90 Systolic blood pressure. The point to
note here is that for elevated blood pressure to qualify as hypertension, it
needs to be consistently remains elevated for 3 months or more. The following
chart gives a brief understanding of stages of Hypertension.
Decoding Hypertension
let us look at Hypertension in a different way. Physics defines:
Pressure = Force/Area
we know that
Force = Mass * Acceleration
Mass = Density * Volume
according to this formula:
Pressure = (Density * Volume * Acceleration)/Area
other words, if Density, Volume or Velocity of any object increases and the
area in which the object is, decreases than the pressure increases. Now, if we look at Blood Pressure than we can
easily deduce that anything that:

in fact increase the blood pressure.
Allopathic Response to Hypertension

these drugs and are not without side effects. Once started they have to be
continuously taken because they are not formed within the body and are given
externally and they work until they are in the system. They do not work on
specific areas only and would have the same effect of Blood or Arteries all
over the body.
Natural Way to Respond to
response to Blood Pressure can be generated naturally.

interventions are without side effects and provide a lasting relief. Body’s own
response to High Blood Pressure are triggered by following:

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