A classic dictionary meaning of Stress
is “a state of mental or emotional strain or tension resulting from adverse
or very demanding circumstances.” However, According to
yoga, stress is “an imbalance at the mental, physical or emotional level.
Stress is not the cause of our ills rather the cause is our inability to cope
with a changing condition”.
Simply speaking, when the body is
challenged by anything, from getting out of bed in the morning or running up a
flight of stairs or having to stand up and give a talk, the brain activates the
Autonomic Nervous System (ANS) – consisting of Sympathetic and Para-Sympathetic
Nervous System. Stress is body's Automated Method of reacting to that challenge.
It consists of Stress Response – Ability to react to a stressful situation and
Relaxation Response – ability to come back to the relaxed state after over
coming the stressful situation. Stress Response is regulated by Sympathetic
Nervous System and Para-Sympathetic Nervous System regulates Relaxation
Response of the body.

stimulation to Sympathetic Nervous System (aka Stress Response) leads to an
increase in heart rate and respiratory rate. This is indicated as Low frequency
waves which in-turn is an indicator of Stress Response. On the other hand, High
frequency waves are generated when a person is Stress free and symbolize a
restful relaxed state (or activation of Para-Sympathetic Nervous System). The
ratio of High and Low frequency bands quantifies the overall balance between
the Sympathetic and Para-Sympathetic systems that is of utmost importance to
maintain equilibrium within the body.

of StressMetrix™ can be analyzed and used as a predictive marker for Stress
related ailments such as Heart Attacks, Anxiety Disorders, Hypertension and
prognostic marker for recovery from these ailments. This test helps us to know
the very root cause of such diseases and eventually know how to effectively
treat the same.
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